An Important Message about Exercise from PASD’s Medical Advisory Director
Dear Parkinson’s Community:
As movement disorders clinicians we repeatedly emphasize the concept of “exercise as medicine” in the context of Parkinson’s disease. Indeed, considering all the clinical research evaluating medicines and other treatments over the years, the only intervention that has been shown to slow the clinical worsening of PD over time is regular exercise. In addition, countless persons with Parkinson’s disease will tell you that their symptoms, both motor and non-motor, are better relieved when they stick to their exercise regimen. The short term and long term benefits of exercise are well-established in the scientific literature.
We recommend a routine of aerobic exercise for 45-60 minutes, at least 3-4 times per week. It does seem that activities that raise one’s heart and breathing rate are more powerful in this respect than solely walking at a leisurely pace, so if your health permits we recommend you explore these activities. At this point no specific exercise modality (boxing class, dance, Tai Chi, weight training, jogging, swimming, bicycling, high-intensity interval training, etc) has been proven to be superior to others – so we recommend that you choose activities that you enjoy and are thus likely to keep doing every week.
Below we have compiled a list (by no means comprehensive) of resources for PD-focused exercise classes in the community. Many offer both in-person and online options.
Brenton Wright, MD
Medical Advisory Director, PASD
Exercise and Rehabilitation Opportunities
Aimee Shanti LaRue
One on one Therapeutic Yoga for Parkinson’s 12 Week Series
Yoga therapy is one of the complementary therapies for Parkinson’s that has research proving its efficacy. It has been shown to reduce tremor, improve balance and gait, increase flexibility, improve posture, loosen painful muscles, and reduce stress. 858-769-9838.
Link to website:
Aimee Shanti LaRue
One on one Therapeutic Yoga for Parkinson’s 12 Week Series...
Be Well Home Physical Therapy
1 on 1 in-Home Therapy offered by Physical and Occupational Therapists who are certified in LSVT Big and/ or PWR! Moves, and Speech Therapist who is certified in Loud Voice. (Speech Therapy will be via screen).
Phone: 650.452.4110
Location: all San Diego area
We accept some insurance plans.
 Contact us today to verify coverage and learn more about us!
Be Well Home Physical Therapy
1 on 1 in-Home Therapy offered by Physical and Occupational...
Cerebral Motion
CEREBRAL MOTION: Using exercise to retrain the body, improve quality of life, slow progression, and regain independence.
Mickey brings with him clinical and research experience from his time spent with the UCSD Movement Disorder Center, specializing in cognition. Mickey graduated from SDSU with a Master of Science in Kinesiology, where his area of study has focused on the gait and balance of individuals with Parkinson Disease.
Mickey incorporates mindfulness and cognitive engagement in addition to being certified in Parkinson Wellness Recovery (PWR!), Rock Steady Boxing, and Brian Grant Foundation Exercise for Parkinson Training.
Mickey offers one-on-one wellness sessions and group classes located in Rancho Bernardo. As well as in-home concierge services throughout San Diego county.
Cerebral Motion
CEREBRAL MOTION: Using exercise to retrain the body, improve quality...
Challenge Center
To transform the quality of life and increase the independence of seniors, people of all ages with disabilities, and their families, through extended Physical Therapy  and specialized Fitness and Wellness programs, while providing financial assistance to individuals with low income.
Challenge Center
To transform the quality of life and increase the independence...
Coach Me Strong
A one-on-one exercise coaching program for people with Parkinson’s, other neurological challenges, or who are just getting a little older.
Be stronger. Feel Better. Have an accountability partner.
Coach Me Strong
A one-on-one exercise coaching program for people with Parkinson’s, other...
Dance for PD
Dance for PD® offers internationally-acclaimed dance classes for people with Parkinson’s disease. Our free interactive Zoom classes, innovative At Home instructional videos, and extensive digital class library allow anyone to experience Dance for PD® at any time, in the comfort of home.
Dance for PD
Dance for PD® offers internationally-acclaimed dance classes for people with...
Davis Phinney Foundation
Developed by the Davis Phinney Foundation, the Parkinson’s Exercise Essentials video provides a range of workouts designed specifically for people with Parkinson’s and is easily modified for any fitness level. Follow these activities at home, in a fitness center, or out in the community.
Click here for more information
The Davis Phinney Foundation Exercise Essentials Video Program.
Davis Phinney Foundation
Developed by the Davis Phinney Foundation, the Parkinson’s Exercise Essentials video...
In-Home Boxing for Parkinson’s
1 on 1 in-home sessions are offered for those living with Parkinson’s Disease by Rock Steady Boxing certified trainer, Vinny Campanaro. Sessions focus on building strength, flexibility, coordination and most importantly, balance. An assessment will be needed before conducting any in-home training to gauge where you are at with your PD. Read some “Reviews” to see what other PD fighters had to say about CBC training!
In-Home Boxing for Parkinson’s
1 on 1 in-home sessions are offered for those living...
Neuro Fit for Parkinson’s – Encinitas
Improve your fitness through balance and strength:
Improve your physical and mental health with this empowering class designed specifically for those with Parkinson’s disease. This class uses a variety of fitness tools to improve balance, strength, coordination, and functional fitness utilizing various exercise programming techniques.
Neuro Fit for Parkinson’s – Encinitas
Improve your fitness through balance and strength: Improve your physical...
Neurologic Physical Therapy and Wellness
Unrestricted Access To The Rehabilitation You Have Been Looking For
Neurologic Physical Therapy and Wellness Unrestricted Access To The Rehabilitation...
PD Connect
Exercise is medicine. But all exercise is NOT created equal....
Reneu Health
Reneu Health is a team of experienced clinical kinesiologists who provide one-on-one exercise programs for the prevention and treatment of aging issues and movement disorders. Our focus is on quality of life and improving functional movement.
Reneu Health
Reneu Health is a team of experienced clinical kinesiologists who...
Rock Steady Bonita English y español
Rock Steady Boxing es un programa que habilita a las personas con Parkinson a vencer la enfermedad de Parkinson con programas de boxeo constante balanceado sin contacto diseñado para mejorar la calidad de vida y autoestima. Estudios sugieren que ejercicios intensos actĂşan como protector de neura y puede retrasar la progresiĂłn de los sĂntomas. Boxeo funciona cuando mueves tu cuerpo en todas direcciones y cambias la rutina tu progresas a travĂ©s de el entrenamiento. Estas clases han probado que cualquier nivel de Parkinson puede minimizar los sĂntomas del Parkinson y dirigir a una vida más feliz y saludable.
We are learning every day that there are ways in which people with Parkinson’s disease can enhance their daily quality of life and even build impressive power, strength, flexibility and speed! By exercising with coaches who know the ropes, you can fight your way out of the corner and start to feel and function better. Boxing works by moving your body in all planes of motion while continuously changing the routine as you progress through the workout. These classes have proven that anyone, at any level of Parkinson’s, can actually lessen their symptoms and lead a healthier/happier life.
Rock Steady Bonita English y español
Rock Steady Boxing es un programa que habilita a las...
Rock Steady Boxing – Downtown
People with Parkinson’s disease can enhance their daily quality of life and even build impressive power, strength, flexibility and speed!
By exercising with Coaches who know the ropes, you can fight your way out of the corner and start to feel and function better.
Click here for more information:
Rock Steady Boxing – Downtown
People with Parkinson’s disease can enhance their daily quality of...
Rock Steady Boxing – Encinitas/Solana Beach
Our mission is to deliver the most exciting, innovative, cutting edge, exercise, nutrition, and support programs for people with Parkinson’s and their care partners.
Rock Steady Boxing classes in Encinitas and Solana Beach.
See our new book, Smoothies for Parkinson’s: A Recipe for Vibrant Living
For class schedule and contact information, click here:
Rock Steady Boxing – Encinitas/Solana Beach
Our mission is to deliver the most exciting, innovative, cutting...
Rock Steady Boxing – Escondido
Our Goal is to Enhance your Quality of Life
Reclaim your Confidence by Developing your Strength & Empower yourself with the Ability to Fight Back against Parkinson’s Disease.
Rock Steady Boxing – Escondido
Our Goal is to Enhance your Quality of Life Reclaim...
RX Ballroom Dancing
Rx Ballroom Dance’s mission is to use ballroom dance to preserve and enhance the quality of life in people who are confronting neurological conditions.
More details at
RX Ballroom Dancing
Rx Ballroom Dance’s mission is to use ballroom dance to...
Scripps Shiley Center
Powerful classes with the team at Shiley. Call 858-554-3488 for details, then join at Zoom
More details at:
Scripps Shiley Center
Powerful classes with the team at Shiley. Call 858-554-3488 for...
SDSU Adaptive Fitness
SmartXPD with Patrick LoSasso
Life Improving Parkinson’s Exercise Programs.
Streaming Workouts On-Demand
Click here for more information:
Online Exercise Classes with SmartXPD with Patrick LoSasso.
SmartXPD with Patrick LoSasso
Life Improving Parkinson’s Exercise Programs. Streaming Workouts On-Demand Click here...
Virtual Parkinson’s PWR Class
Whole-body Wellness
Our center supports whole person wellness, which extends beyond the clinic walls. Here are some offerings to help improve quality of life for your body and mind.
Virtual Parkinson’s Group Class with PWR-certified Physical Therapist from UC San Diego
Join us for an hour of group exercise from the comfort of your own home. Get ready to work on balance, posture, flexibility, strength, amplitude of movement and aerobic capacity. All levels welcome!
First and Third Tuesdays of each month
11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Hosted on Zoom — all prior class recordings on YouTube
Registration is required via Eventbrite, confirmation email will contain Zoom details:
Virtual Parkinson’s PWR Class
Whole-body Wellness Our center supports whole person wellness, which extends...