Jonathan Schwartz
Jonathan Schwartz – Owner, Partner in Aging
Speaking on these topics:
- Aging well in the 21st century
- The Longevity Dividend, how to give back and have purpose post retirement
- ABC’s of Retirement Communities
Jonathan Schwartz has a degree in Entrepreneurship from Indiana University and a master’s degree in Gerontology from USC. Since 2008, he has been living and working in the field of aging, with a main focus on in-home care and assisted living communities.
At the beginning of 2019, he leveraged his decade-plus experience in the field of aging to start a company, Partner in Aging. Partner in Aging helps older adults connect to a litany of resources to help individuals and families navigate the maze of aging. Jonathan’s passion and aim is to speak to groups to inspire and educate our San Diego community on how to age well.