Marilyn Haynes

Categories: Japan Trek
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Donation Total: $50.00

$4,200.00 Donated!

How exciting it has been to be part of the Machu Picchu, Camino Santiago and Dolomites trek with this amazing group. This fundraising effort, spearheaded by the passionate Sherrie Gould, has come so far and after 12 years of research, the FDA has finally approved a process of dopamine cell replacement and several of OUR VERY OWN  hikers will the the first to receive their own dopamine neurons grown with their own skin cells in 2024!!!!!

As in the past, we will pay our own travel expenses to Japan and  trek 7 days in a row (135.5 km total or approximately 84 miles) on the Kumano Kodo Nakahechi Trail from Kyoto to Osaka!  Any donations will directly support the San Diego Parkinson’s Association which provides valuable services for PD patients and their families.

Originally I wanted to be part of this effort in honor of my father who suffered from PD in the 80’s. It was heartbreaking to watch his debilitation. Medicine has come a long way to improve the quality of PD patients lives since then and with the cell replacement there is so much more potential and hope. Now, I wouldn’t miss enjoying each step of the trek and participating alongside my determined fellow PD trekkers who work so hard with each and every step.

Thank you for reading my page and for any donation you make!

koun o inorimasu (Japanese for “Best Wishes”)


Deborah Jezior

May 20, 2024

My Mom died recently of ALS, not that different from PD. Great you are doing this! Marilyn, you helped me find my first ‘owned’ home and, so far, my only one. Thank you for … Read more

My Mom died recently of ALS, not that different from PD. Great you are doing this! Marilyn, you helped me find my first ‘owned’ home and, so far, my only one. Thank you for all that you do!

Amount Donated

Susan Meissner

May 1, 2024

Amount Donated

Sherry Whiteley

April 30, 2024

My ex-husband passed away from complications of Parkinson's. This donation is in support of Marilyn (hands-down our best realtor ever) and in the Memory of … Read more

My ex-husband passed away from complications of Parkinson's. This donation is in support of Marilyn (hands-down our best realtor ever) and in the Memory of Stan.

Amount Donated

Paul Rode

April 29, 2024

Amount Donated

Hungry Termite

April 29, 2024

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John Bales

April 29, 2024

In loving memory of your father and mother

Amount Donated

John Crawford

April 24, 2024

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mimi mulligan

April 16, 2024

Sooo proud of all your hard work!

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Michele Ness

April 7, 2024

Marilyn, Good luck and be safe. Michele

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Lisa Olmore

March 27, 2024

Way to go Marilyn!

Amount Donated

Debbie Morales

March 26, 2024

I’m with ya! No touristy stuff for us! Life is a challenge best done for others!

Amount Donated

Janet Montgomery

March 19, 2024

You go girl !!!

Amount Donated