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PERSEVERE, testing an educational program for family caregivers

PERSEVERE is a national study funded by the National Institutes of Health, led by Dr. Jori Fleisher at Rush University Medical Center in Chicago, IL, which is testing an educational program for family caregivers of people with Parkinson’s Disease with cognitive impairment, Parkinson’s Disease Dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, or Lewy Body Dementia. PERSEVERE will test whether a disease-specific, caregiver-centered educational intervention improves caregiver knowledge, confidence, strain, and health outcomes – and whether it helps people living with Parkinson’s Disease Dementia, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, or Lewy Body Dementia, too.

Family caregivers will receive weekly educational guidance through a 12-week curriculum with resources and activities. All participation is virtual and scheduled when it works for you. There are no in-person visits and the person with Parkinson’s Disease, Dementia with Lewy Bodies, or Lewy Body Dementia does not participate—just caregivers. Caregivers fill out online surveys and assessments at baseline and every two weeks throughout their involvement in the study, including a six-month follow-up period after the 12-week curriculum.
Interested in learning more?

(312) 563-3300| persevere@rush.edu